Frequently Asked Questions
When is Joya Open?
Joya is open daily, 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. The park lights up at sunset and lights turn off when the park closes at 10 p.m. Some exceptions, such as special events, may warrant extended lighting hours.
Is there an admission fee?
No, Joya is free to everyone.
Where is parking for Joya?
Visitors to Joya may park at Oran Good Park or Pepper Park. No parking other than handicap parking is permitted on Tom Field Road.
What ages is Joya suitable for?
The tot playground is recommended for ages 2-5 and with adult supervision for younger children. The main playground and sphere are recommended for school-age children 5-12 and with adult supervision for children younger than 5. We ask that adults do not play on the equipment.
What amenities are available at Joya?
Restrooms, benches, trails, picnic tables
Is Joya inclusive and accessible?
Yes, Joya will be for everyone and will be accessible to people of all ranges of abilities.
Can I reserve Joya? What about reserving tables and shade structures?
Joya, and all its amenities are not available for reservations. The park will be open to all during park hours. Tables and seating are first-come, first-served. The pavilions at Gussie Field Watterworth Park and the Rose Garden (which is across the street from Oran Good Park) are available for reservations.
How was the concept for Joya developed?
One of the guiding goals in the City’s Strategic Plan is to provide attractive, unique, and connected spaces for community interaction. Based on this goal and under the direction of City Council, the Parks and Recreation Department developed a plan to bring a truly one-of-a-kind signature playground to Farmers Branch- Joya.
How was Joya Funded?
The design and construction of Joya are funded by the Federal American Rescue Plan Act and a matching grant from Texas Parks & Wildlife.
Federal ARPA Funds - $4,000,000
Texas Parks & Wildlife Grant - $750,000
City Matching Fund - $750,000
Does Joya create light pollution?
Staff studied light pollution before fully designing the Joya project. All of the park's specifications meet International Dark Sky Association (IDA) guidelines. Additionally, the IDA has recently partnered with the National Audubon Society on their recommendations, and Joya is also in compliance with the NAS as well. International Dark Sky Association lighting will be installed, and the lighting system/controller will allow for the lights' automation, allowing the park to follow the Lights Out Texas timing that the Audubon Society recommends and many other major cities have now adopted. Lights Out Texas is a campaign of education, awareness, and action that focuses on turning out lights at night during the spring and fall migrations to help protect the billions of migratory birds that fly over Texas annually. They encourage everyone to turn off non-essential lights at night from 11 p.m. - 6 a.m. during the fall migration period, and where conflicts apply, prioritize lights out during the critical peak migration periods.

Joya at Oran Good Park is located in Farmers Branch, Texas, a first ring suburb of Dallas. A small but mighty community, Farmers Branch has its eye on the future, delivering innovative solutions to improve the quality of life for its residents and offering unique recreation opportunities open to everyone.
The vision for Joya was brought about through surveying the community and talking to a lot of kids, the true fun experts. With the goal of bringing a signature play space to Farmers Branch, the City's Parks & Recreation staff, along with City leadership, developed this one-of-a-kind concept. Working with playground and engineering professionals, Kompan and TNP, Joya has become the first outdoor glow-in-the-dark playground in the United States.
Joya is a part of the Oran Good Park complex, approximately 10 acres that includes two baseball fields, four softball fields, a turf mini-soccer field, and Raymond DeLeon t-ball field.